Franciscan College Gormanston

Christmas Raffle 2024 and Other Updates

Christmas Raffle 2024 and Other Updates

Dear Parent / Guardian,

We have almost reached the end of this first term.

Very important to report to you that I am immensely proud of our students and our school community. By and large our students dress well, arrive on time, are punctual to class, behave with respect and manners, complete their school and classwork to the best of their ability and are making best use of the opportunities available to them. They fully deserve to be applauded for this endeavour. Well done!

To the staff, to the students, and to you, as parents and to all the various stakeholders who contribute to all of our school activities and events and who contribute so positively to the many successes enjoyed by our school this year I just wish to say, thank you.

Christmas Exams and Report:

As I write 1st year, 2nd year and 5th year students are in exam mode. Reports will be available on VS Ware from the middle of January 2025. Progress reports will also be available for exam year students, 3rd year and 6th year.

If you have difficulty accessing the report, please contact the school directly. Please take the time to go through this report with your child, particularly those in exam years. Subject teacher and Year Head comments are important to note also. Should you wish to discuss any aspect of these reports please do not hesitate to contact the relevant Year Head in the first instance.


Most students look really smart.

However, there remains several students who persist in not adhering to the correct uniform. If, as parents you need to discuss a personal requirement please do so and we will do our best to assist you.

When we return to school after the Christmas holidays, we will be focusing on those individual students who ignore the requirements with regard to our school uniform.

Please note students wearing a non-school jacket to school and placing it immediately in their school locker is acceptable.

Importantly, the rest of the school uniform (either PE uniform or school uniform should be correct, and shoes should be predominately black and should be appropriate for school and for wearing in science laboratories , if this is necessary.)

Students will be challenged from the beginning of next term and may be send home if uniform is not correct.

Christmas Carol Service:

The carol service is scheduled to take place on Monday 16th December 2024. It will commence at 2.45pm and will conclude by the end of the school day. Parents collecting students at the end of the school are very welcome to arrive a little earlier and attend at the Church. The school carol service marks the formal commencement of the Christmas season for us and , it is hoped, it will be a reflective, uplifting and peaceful occasion.

Christmas Raffle:

Please see attached. Tickets remain on sale up to Wednesday 18th December at breaktime. Raffle will take place just after lunch on Wednesday, 18 th December. Great prizes on offer!

Christmas Jumper day:

Wednesday 18th December is our traditional Christmas jumper day. We will combine it with a bake sale and all proceeds will be going toward Jigsaw, our charity of choice this school year. We will collect a minimum of €2 euro from students on Wednesday morning.

Term ends at 12.20pm on Friday 20th December 2024!

Student Attendance:

Regular attendance at school is important. The school monitors attendance and student punctuality during the school day and takes action if a cause for concern emerges. The school also has a statutory responsibility when it comes to attendance. Under the law, every child must attend school regularly up to sixteen years of age or complete at least three years education in a post primary school whichever comes later.

We want to encourage participation in education and in school for as long as possible. This should be a collaborative approach between us. If you have concerns about your child’s attendance or you would like to meet with us to discuss any challenges, you may be experiencing then please do get in contact. We want to help.

League Tables:

School league tables were published by the media this week. They provide a breakdown of where students from the Leaving Certificate class of 2024 enrolled in a higher education college. Although, it is only one indicator Gormanston performs very successfully in comparison to other post primary schools with 89% of our students in the Leaving Certificate class of 2024 enrolled in higher education. We celebrate the achievements of all our students, particularly those whose results may not grab a newspaper headline. Important to feel pride in this accomplishment but not to take it out of context. Education is about the enhancement of the whole person. Exam results and performance are only one indication. Of equal importance is that we do well by our students, and this is recognised.

I would like to take the opportunity to have a peaceful, restful and enjoyable Christmas break. Very best wishes for 2025.

Warm regards,

Dermot Lavin


Franciscan College Gormanston

Mar 17
St Patrick’s Day (Public Holiday)
Mar 18
School Closed
Mar 19
School Reopens- Class for all
Apr 11
Easter Holidays
Gormanston, Co. Meath, Ireland, K32NH30
0353 184 12203
© 2025 Franciscan College Gormanston