Franciscan College Gormanston

Emails to Parents/Guardians 2022/23


Years 2022/2023

Email/Letter to Parents/Guardians re: End of School Year 2023
Email/Letter to Parents/Guardians re: 1st Year Information Evening, May 9th-2023
Email/Letter to Parents/Guardians re: Delvin Road, Notification of Works
Email/Letter to Parents/Guardians re: Summer Exam Timetables 2023
Email/Letter to Parents/Guardians re: School Sports Day
Email/Letter to Parents/Guardians re: Key Dates coming to end of School Term
Email/Letter to Parents/Guardians re: HPV Vaccination Catch-up Programme
Email/Letter to Parents/Guardians re: Easter Holidays 2023
Email/Letter to Parent/Guardians re: Seachtain na Gaeilge (Irish language week)
Email/Letter to Parents/Guardians re: Stamullen Gate ENTRANCE ONLY
Email/Letter to Parents/Guardians re: Delvin Road Closure
Email/Letter to Parents/Guardians re: Mock Exams Timetables 2023
Email/Letter to Parents/Guardians re: Appointment of Acting Principal
Email/Letter to Parents/Guardians from HSE re: Covid -19/Flu/RSV 06/01/22 (As Gaeilge)
Email/Letter to Parents/Guardians from HSE re: Covid -19/Flu/RSV 06/01/22 (English Version)
Email/Letter to Parents/Guardians re: Road Closure Around the School
Email/Letter to Parents/Guardians re: Child Safeguarding Statement Review
Email/Letter to Parents/Guardians re: update for week beginning 14/11/2022
Email/Letter to Parents/Guardians re: Exam Timetables First Term Examinations 2022 & First Term Examinations 2022
Email/Letter to Parents/Guardians re: CAO Information Evening
Email/Letter to Parents/Guardians re: College Entrance/Parent Teacher meetings etc
Email/Letter to Parents/Guardians re: School Activities/Events Planned
Email/Letter to Parents/Guardians re: College Entrance Exit 07:10:22
Email/Letter to Parents/Guardians re: Gormanston Park 07:10:22
Email/Letter to Parents October 7th 2022
Email/Letter to Parents re: AGM of the Parents Association
Letter to Parents.Guardians 19.08.22 - Back to School
Gormanston Diary 2022 - 2023
Email to all Parents/Guardians re. Evening Study-Term One & Application Form
Email to all parents/guardians re PE Uniform 2022 - 2023 P.E Uniform Information
Copy of Invitation sent to 6th Year Parents/Guardians/Students to 6th Year Prizegiving/Graduation Ceremony
Email to all Parents/Guardians 16.05.22 End of Year Schedules
Email 6th Year Parents/Guardians.Students 08.04.22
Canteen Menu's / Information PVL CATERING COMPANY & MENU 2022
Email to all Parents.Guardians 04.04.22
Notice re. School Closure 17th.18th.21st March 2022.
Email to Parents.Guardians 07.03.22 - Updates
Email to Parents/Guardians 27.02.22 - Update
Email to Parents/Guardians 18.02.22 - Update
Email to Parent/Guardian - 06.01.22 - Update
Email to 3rd.6th Year Parents.Guardians 04.02.22.
Email to 3rd.6th Yr parents.guardians Mock Exams 31.01.22.
Trial Exams 2022.(3rd & 6th Year Students)
Letter re. 2nd Year Parent.Teacher Meetings.(dated 7th January 2022)
Email to all Parents.Guardians 06.01.2022 - Update.

Sep 19
Open Evening From 5pm
Sep 24
Parents Association AGM
Sep 30
School Closed
Oct 07
Gormanston, Co. Meath, Ireland, K32NH30
0353 184 12203
© 2024 Franciscan College Gormanston