Franciscan College Gormanston

Friends of Gormanston

Friends of Gormanston


The Friends of Franciscan College Gormanston are a voluntary group formed to support and promote the ethos and the mission statement of Franciscan College Gormanston. Their main objective is to help the college in areas such as Sports, Literature, the Arts, Music and the continuance of the Clann System. In order to achieve this we rely on the generosity and practical support of our many friends, staff, the Parents Association and past pupils of the College.

There has been great interest shown and support given to the Friends of Franciscan College Gormanston since we were first established in 2014. In such a short space of time your help and generosity has proved invaluable to the College and we thank all our benefactors most sincerely. Our Newsletter has been very well received and is a great way to keep abreast of what is happening in the College, keep up to date with Past Pupils who visit from time to time, and of course see our many projects coming to fruition. Our informal social gatherings (public health restrictions permitting) are a wonderful way to reconnect with old friends and the College and are always very enjoyable.

Due to our increasing numbers and the ongoing projects we wish to progress we have reached a point where we now need to establish a more formal structure. To this end we would like to invite interested parties to become a member of ‘Friends of Franciscan College Gormanston’ and commit to an annual subscription of € 50.00. This subscription would serve as a contribution towards the implementation of our ongoing projects and would enable us to continue to produce our Newsletter, covering the costs incurred in producing and distributing same.

However, if you would rather not commit to an annual subscription but would still like to support the Friends of Franciscan College Gormanston a once off donation would be very much appreciated. Below is a link to our Application / Renewal Form together with some past copies of our Newsletter for you to peruse and enjoy.


Friends of Gormanston Newsletter Dec. 2020, Vol. 6, Issue 1.pdf

Friends of Gormanston Newsletter December 2019.pdf

Friends of Gormanston Newsletter May, 2019.pdf

Friends of Gormanston Newsletter December 2018.pdf

Friends of Gormanston Newsletter August 2018.pdf

Friends of Gormanston Newsletter December 2017.pdf

Friends of Gormanston Newsletter June 2017.pdf

Friends of Gormanston Newsletter December 2016.pdf

Friends of Franciscan Newsletter August 2016.pdf

Friends of Gormanston Newsletter May 2016.pdf

Friends of Gormanston Newsletter December 2015.pdf

Friends of Gormanston Newsletter September 2015.pdf

Friends of Gormanston Newsletter April 2015.pdf

Friend of Gormanston Newsletter December 2014.pdf


If you would like to become a member of the Friends of Franciscan College Gormanston or renew your annual subscription please download and complete application below. Alternatively you can email Ann Smyth on to request a hard copy.

Membership / Renewal / Donation Form: FOC Application Form.pdf

Apr 11
Easter Holidays
Apr 28
School Reopens-Class for all
May 05
School Closed-Public Holiday
May 06
School Reopens-Class for all
Gormanston, Co. Meath, Ireland, K32NH30
0353 184 12203
© 2025 Franciscan College Gormanston