Franciscan College Gormanston

Letter to Parents/Guardians re: Christmas Holidays and Other Information


Dear Parents / Guardians,

Trust everyone is doing well.

Hard to believe as I write to you today that we are almost in December! The season of Advent has arrived, Christmas is around the corner and while much planning and preparation is underway I'm sure for the festive period, there is still much school work to do for the final weeks of this term.

1st Term exams commence on Tuesday 10th December for all 1st year, 2nd year and 5th year students. While exam years 3rd year and 6th year will not have any formal exams (they prepare for their mock exams early in the new year) I'm sure subject teachers will be conducting classroom assessments. I guess when it comes to end of term exams at this time of year Transition Year students catch a lucky break!

An Garda Siochana visit the school to speak to all students on two separate occasions during these last few weeks. The Gardai will visit next Tuesday 3rd December to talk to TY, 5th year and 6th year students. This will be between 10am and 12pm. Later in the month on Monday 16th December the Gardai will meet all JC students between 10am and 12pm. It is important for students of all ages to have the opportunity of listening to, and linking in with An Garda Siochana so I would encourage all of our students to avail of this service. The presentation from the Gardai will be age appropriate and will focus on a range of societal challenges and pressures on young teenagers as they transition to young adulthood.

My thanks to the Parents Association who have been really busy organising the Christmas raffle. Tickets for the raffle will be sold in the library at lunchtime and through the school office at all other times. We will also be arranging a Sum Up machine so the children can actually tap to pay. We expect to be able to start selling tickets from the middle of next week.

Wednesday 18th December will be a Christmas Jumper Day! All proceeds will be going towards our charity of choice this year: Jigsaw. We hope to have a Christmas bake sale that day too! The day will culminate with the draw for the Christmas raffle taking place.

Our Christmas Carol service will take place in the College Chapel on Monday 16th December from 2.45pm. Fr Ulic Troy OFM will lead the service with Ms Matthews and the school choir providing the festive carols. 1st and 2nd year students will attend the service along with other students interested in attending. Parents are very welcome to come to the Church to hear and participate in what promises to be an uplifting and reflective celebration of the real message of Christmas.

Refreshments (tea, coffee, mince pies) will be available just before the service commences courtesy of the Parents Association.

Spare a thought for our Teach Francis students and staff. They are currently accommodated in alternative classroom locations as the school manages the recent water damage which significantly affected two out of three classrooms, the bathroom area, one sensory space, kitchen , staff office and corridor. Loss adjusters have confirmed that re construction will have to occur. Regrettably, I cannot give a firm date for a full return to Teach Francis however, we are working as fast as we can with our insurance company and building contractor .I have made it clear that a change of routine can be very impactful for our Teach Francis students, so a speedy resolution is paramount!

Finally, some great news! I am reliably informed by the Department of Education and Skills that our new school build goes to tender by the end of this month, November 2024. One major project which really needs to speed up!

End of term is Friday 20th December at 12.20pm.

Every best wish as you plan for Christmas with your families and loved ones.

Dermot Lavin


Franciscan College Gormanston

Apr 11
Easter Holidays
Apr 28
School Reopens-Class for all
May 05
School Closed-Public Holiday
May 06
School Reopens-Class for all
Gormanston, Co. Meath, Ireland, K32NH30
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